Tune Protect Thailand launches a new entire website
A brand new Tune Protect Thailand website has launched on 25 January 2021, a digital step forward to online purchasing for the customer.
As Tune product begins 2021, our primary goal for the new website is to be more user-centric and responsive across all online devices. Tune Protect Thailand wants to focus on making it easier for our users to learn and locate valuable information about our products and services.
Tuneprotect.co.th is only a few clicks away to everything you need from insurance and interesting activities from Tune Protect Thailand. Now, customers can decide all the coverages that fits their needs within their palms.
Insurance Simplified
The simplest is the best, this true mindset we apply not just for us, but also to customers. The result of a digitalized website, allowing purchasing and browsing Tune Protect products in just a few steps.
Lifestyle insurer
Since entering the 20th century, people’s lifestyles have become diverse. Tune Protect Thailand encourages everyone to live their life the way you want. All insurance products of Tune Protect Thailand are very personalized to fit every step of your life.
Customer Centric
The insurance business is all about people’s lives. Therefore, each product we provide is created from the customer’s needs. Tune Protect will never stop improving our services that freed you from worry.
Insurance Simplified, one of our missions is applied to all services including improved online channels for a better experience for the customers.